...Where Tech Gods meet Tech Titans
What is the Tech Titan Summit? Think "Shark Tank" on steroids, but geared for technology people! We have arranged to have some of the most successful companies and venture capitalists in America invited to this Summit.
We call them the "Tech Titans."
The Tech Titans will interview, network, and assess some of the world's finest software and hardware talent available---and make decisions on employment, investment and opportunities for these gifted people.
We call these people the "Tech Gods."
The Tech Gods fight it out for jobs, investments and career opportunities, while the Tech Titans compete with each other for the top talent! Everyone is in it for career advancement, investment opportunities, big money prizes and well-deserved career exposure.
Imagine sitting across the Tech Titan Table and speed-dating with rows of Tech Titans (i.e. Hiring Companies and Investors). There is no romance---the Tech God's mission is to carve out a better career, or achieve an investment objective for their company. The Tech Titan's job, while sitting across from the great talent before him, is to evaluate every syllable uttered and explained, while determining if he, or she, is a good fit for their organization and/or investment portfolio. The Titans also evaluate the Tech God Face Offs on-stage, so be really nice to them!
A Tech God has 5 minutes to state his, or her, case and cameras will be rolling, so make sure your elevator pitch is ready to go!
$50,000 Grand Prize at Tech Titan National Summit:
All "Top Ten" Tech God finalists in each region receive an airline ticket and a hotel room for the national Summit in Las Vegas, but everyone can go home a winner, simply by improving their visibility and expanding their career horizons! Resumes over the Internet don't cut it.
Even Tech Titans get in on the fun!
Tech Gods and others vote on THEM, too...
Throughout the day, Tech Gods network with some of the busiest people on earth. They make their mark with the Tech Titans, build a rapport with those who fit their career and investment objectives, while meeting other professionals who can advance their careers. At each Summit, our version of Aphrodite's Bar helps this process along!
Tech Gods who make it to the "Top Ten" at the end of the day, advance to the "Tech God Face Off." On stage, in front of the entire audience, with cameras rolling, you compete for $10,000 at the regional Summits and ultimately, for $50,000 at the Grand National Summit in Las Vegas, per the schematic, above.
If you know hardware, if you know leading-edge software, gaming, virtual reality, mathematics, engineering, or scientific technology applications, the Tech Titan Summit is definitely the place to be! The Summit is designed to help you expand your professional visibility, your marketability, as well as greatly improve the chances for big increases in your compensation plan---through the interjection of a little open and honest, competition. If you are looking for investors, make sure you attend, because serious people will watch your every move!
Tech Gods, Inc. wants to be your agent in the technology arena. We expand career opportunities, increase overall compensation and connect you with investors (even though we don't receive a fee, or percentage, of any investment in you, or your companies!).
We are agents who know what we're doing in the technology space. For those Tech Gods who sign our Agent Agreement and are accepted as clients by us, admission to their respective regional Tech Titan Summit is "no charge" (subject to space availability). You can see from the Agent Agreement, and description below, we charge less than half of what normal recruiters charge. Furthermore, our fee applies to ONLY the companies who attend the Tech Titan Summit---and you don't pay the fee, the Tech Titans do* as a condition of entry! A Tech God retains his, or her, "free agency" status with other companies and of course, your existing company is excluded from our exclusive domain. We just think it is fair to have at least a year's exclusivity over those entities who come to the Summit.
*The hiring companies have responsibility for paying our fee and you are responsible for it (it is only 7%) ONLY if we don't get paid. In the meantime, very likely, you will be enjoying excellent increases in your compensation plan, which may be well worth the 7%, expecially when the industry standard is 15% and can go as high as 50% for specialized searches. Additionally, if you are trying to raise money, you will meet a lot of pirates who will charge you an arm and a leg for capital! We don't charge a fee, or percentage, on any deals you make at the Summit, or any other place, regardless of the company, or investor! Beat that, Goldman Sachs!
If you are a technologist and are NOT interested in becoming a client of ours, NO PROBLEM! You can still come to the Summit and the general admission fee is $2,995*. Registraton is simple and you shall be guaranteed entrance---fyi, $2,995 is exactly what "Tech Crunch" charged in September 2016 for general admission. Given the potential exposure your career will receive, with room-friendly investors and companies surrounding you, the value proposition of the Tech Titan Summit is compelling.
Often, it is difficult for employed Tech Gods to get away from work to increase their visibility and expand their career horizons. Bosses and peers are always hanging around the workspace, and even in the age of cell phones and Skype, most Tech Gods work so hard, they just don't have the time to efficiently network and meet up during "normal" business hours (but, for us, what's "normal," right?). Anyway, this is a real shame, because if Tech Gods could take the time to network more, they would likely drive their career values upward, significantly.
The Tech Titan Summit solves this problem because we hold the event from noon to 8pm. This allows working people to arrive at the Summit during the evening and still have time to make an impact on the Titans. We even provide "Anonymous Masks" for those Tech Gods who are gainfully employed and do not wish to be identified during the Tech God Face Offs. Many Tech Gods might already be earning $500,000+ per year and the last thing you want is to get fired for exploring your options, networking your career, checking out investors, all while having a little fun in the process! In front of such a remarkable audience, and with the potential for the Summit to be broadcast, you should be prepared---this event is expected to receive a lot of exposure.
Our goal is to PROTECT you, PROJECT you, and PROPEL you forward in, and throughout, your career!
For Companies and Investors planning on attending the Summit, please be advised there is limited availability for booths and Investor seats. Regular admission is $3,995 for "Companies" (see below), which admits up to four people (only $999 each!). For Investors (see below) there are only 50 Investor seats available (each seat admits up to three people). Investors must bid via our ebay auction facility, for admission. You can guarantee admission, immediately, while seats are still available via the "Buy It Now" button at ebay.
Mark your calendar for the Tech Titan Summit and register, today!
* Except for Kickstarter contributors who purchase Tech Titan Table preferred passes for $250, and/or Tech God Face Off stage passes for $1,000. All Kickstarter contributors also receive general admission to the Summit for these reduced prices.

Tech Gods: Time Ticking For New York City Summit!
Admission Is Waived If You Become A Client*!
*Due to limited seating, paid-for Tech God attendance and Tech Titans attending the event, review preference of Agent Agreements given to early applicants.
Time Ticking For
Guaranteed Entry!
"Buy It Now" Auction
Facility Expires*:
*Only 20 booths and 50 Investor seats available. Once they're gone, they are gone! Please read details, below.



The Tech Titan Summit Description, Conditions & Terms (herein, the "Description") are described below and herein on this web site and in the associated ecommerce facilities for Tech Gods, Inc. at ebay. A summary of the Description may be downloaded via the .pdf file below, titled, "Tech Titan Summit Description, Conditions & Rules." A summary of the Description is as follows and continues below the .pdf file:
"Tech God," or "Tech Gods" is defined herein as the technologists (e.g. hardware, software and other professionals) who are registered to attend a Tech Titan Summit, who are seeking employment, investment, or other career opportunities with Tech Titans.
"Tech Titan," or "Tech Titans" is defined herein as any company, entity, person, or investor registered to attend a Tech Titan Summit, seeking to network with, collaborate with, consult with, market to, invest in, or otherwise hire Tech Gods.
No company, entity, person, or investor is allowed entry to a Tech Titan Summit if they are not registered to attend. Violators of this rule are required to pay an admission fee of $3,995, plus a $100,000 penalty fee, plus damages awarded, plus any and all legal fees incurred by Tech Gods, Inc. relating to the litigation, or arbitration, of the matter. Pursuant to the below, any disputes relating to a Tech Titan Summit are subject to arbitration by the American Arbitration Association.
Tech Titan Summit
Description, Conditions & Rules
The Tech Titan Summit Description summary continues as follows:
Tech Titan Summits network the talents, skills and capabilities of Tech Gods into the immortal world of the leading-edge tech, investment and Fortune 1000 companies. We call these leading-edge entities, the "Tech Titans."
The gathering of the Tech Gods, through a unique set of live demonstrations, interviews and discussions, culminates in live, on-stage, Tech God "Face-Offs," where Regional Summit winners receive $10,000, and the Grand National Summit Champion receives $100,000. The best recruiters are also voted upon and have a chance to win, also!
This intense process allows companies and investors, all across America (Summits are held in the Northeast, South, Midwest, Southwest and West), to quickly and efficiently assess, hire, place, or make investments in hard-to-find stellar talent, and great ideas. Summits are organized regionally for the Tech Gods, who typically don't enjoy the same range of motion as most recruiters and CEO's. We want as many Tech Gods, as possible, to take advantage of the Summits!
Our Tech Gods know who they are. They are the people who really love and know how to write code, network, or even build hardware. They create innovative solutions to vexing problems and create amazing opportunities exploiting the marketplace.
Our representation company, Tech Gods, Inc. (the "Company") is named after them, because they really do wield Thor- and Zeus-like power to change lives! As everyone can attest, the knowledge and skills of the ingenious are changing our world, forever!
We work with the best-of-the-best in technical fields, all around the world. Our clients tend to be brilliant and a cut above the rest. Our mission is to maximize the value of a Tech God's career, while allowing Tech Titans to enjoy tremendous longevity and success in their business.
The National Summit is planned for August 2017, and shall bear witness to the ultimate Tech God Face-Off, where someone will win $100,000, be crowned technologist of the year, and "Tech God USA." Winners, regionally and nationally, are determined by votes tallied for the best software, or hardware inventions, or best overall capabilities, as a Tech God. As discussed, Tech Gods compete among themselves in live-stage face-offs and intensive 5-minute interviews held at the "Tech Titan Table," at all Summits. With only 5-minutes to make an elevator pitch, things get pretty intense, are extremely engaging---and quite a bit of fun!
Our objective is to help both Tech Gods and Tech Titans solve big problems. Tech Titans have difficulty finding enough truly qualified people efficiently and economically, while true Tech Gods never have the time to network outside of work, unless they turn to the netherworld of the Internet. In the spotlight of the Tech Titan Summit, we open the bidding up---we open the world up---to the magic of the Tech Gods, and allow the free market to operate.
Tech Gods can help maximize their career value and rewards for their hard work and ingenuity, by being prepared. They should arrive at the Summit with their skills honed and nailed down. Their presentations should be prepared and succinct. This is because the Summit is attractive to many hiring employers and potential investors. In fact, a person seeking employment opportunities at the Summit might very well be surprised by an offer of investment to exploit his, or her, products, ideas, software, or skills!
Most really good technology people do not have effective access to a large number of hiring companies (and potential investor prospects) congregated in one place, at one time---and "in person." While Skype is great, and Snapchat is cute, there is no substitute for real-time, in-your-face, meets, greets and competes!
Between the hard-charging interviews at the Tech Titan Table, the relaxed atmosphere at our Aphrodite's Bar, and the natural competition among the Tech Gods to win the $10,000 regional prizes, along with the $100,000 national prize---plus the career glory and notoriety the publicity creates---the Tech Titan Summit creates a clear buzz of excitement for Tech Gods and Tech Titans, alike!
While the award of "Tech God" is voted upon, we expect everyone can be a winner. How can it be a bad thing to attend a Summit, have some fun, and market your brains out to people who can make a real difference in life?
In fact, we even make it fun for the recruiters in attendance! As indicated, there is ALSO an award for the best recruiter at each Summit. He, or she, is crowned the "Tech Titan" recruiter of the region, or nation, as appropriate, and awarded winnings, accordingly.
The Summit opens at 12 noon and runs until 8:00pm.
Serious software programming and hardware technology skills are in high demand. Unfortunately, in this day and age, many geniuses become engaged in "at-will" work situations, where a person can be fired, or laid off, at any time. By hiring our Company, as a Tech God's exclusive agent and representative, we help tech talent make the case for increased compensation and multi-year employment agreements, which may include equity participation, and/or bonuses, as part of the contract.
Smart recruiters, building for strategic strength in their organization, realize the key to the future is keeping and retaining top technical talent.
These hires are bedrocks to companies attempting to keep pace with growth and rapid change. An evolving, digital future demands companies pay strict attention to these key employees. The best CEO's know great technical talent is the "rare breed"---critical to a company's ongoing survival, and its ultimate victory against competition.
Creating multi-year employment agreements is a big win for both the company and the hired talent---and these kinds of agreements are what our Company highly recommends.
Through the sheer power, force and capability of the Tech Gods coming together at the Summit, and out of respect for their technological prowess and skills, market forces will ensure they receive exactly what they are worth. The odds are good that an outstanding technical person can better his, or her, life by attending the Summit.
Employment agreements are difficult to negotiate by any person whose livelihood is tied to the transaction---emotions just run way too high. Breakdowns, or disagreements, can also cause interpersonal problems with management, and peers.
This is why athletes, worldwide, hire agents!! Agents get them a better deal than can be achieved on their own accord. As we all know...the team who signs the best players, typically finds victory. In the sports business, nearly everyone makes money and nearly everyone, at the end of the day, goes home happy!
At Tech Gods, Inc. we believe the same opportunity exists for elite technology talent. This is the talent composed of humble, yet brilliant, software and hardware professionals who rarely seek the spotlight. Interestingly, they are the ones who make it possible for thousands of people to make tons of money, while also improving the lives of those around them.
General admission to the Summit for technologists seeking employment, or seeking an investment in his, or her, company is $2,995. However, if our Company accepts a person as a client because he, or she, executed and submitted to us the Agent Agreement, and we become his, or her, exclusive recruiter to the companies (or their affiliates) registering for that particular Summit, there is no charge for admission to the Tech Titan Summit for this individual (Subject to capacity restrictions and be advised, paid-for admissions take priority. It is in our interest to have as many clients at the Summits as possible. If we accept you as a client, the probability is very high you will get in! We want you to network. We also don't want unhappy clients!).
Creating and running events like the Tech Titan Summit are expensive propositions, and making them "free" for many Tech Gods, is a tall order. Our vision is to help technical people broaden their horizons and dramatically improve their respective career values. We do this by creating an interesting forum for Tech Gods to demonstrate their capabilities. This is why we require interested technologists to fill out Tech God Agent Agreements. The Agreement is a required application if a person wishes to become a client of our Company. Once an applicant is accepted, we send out a notifying email, which contains Tech Titan Summit information and a complimentary entry pass. For talent not interested in having us represent them, but want to take advantage of the conference---no problem! Paid-for registrations are processed immediately, and most major credit cards are welcome.
Tech God Agent Application and Paid-For Registration forms provide a section for applicants and paid-for registrants, alike, to articulate software, hardware, and/or other technical skills. Please provide very brief, raw technical descriptions of your capabilities---and don't over-embellish---PLEASE. Too much detail on these forms will delay your processing, and may prevent entry to the event. Applicants can go into more detail with their resumes, via the upload link in the paid-for registration form and on a client applicant's Agent Agreement Addendum. Both the Addendum and paid-for registration forms have easy "check mark" lists. Please use these (instead of writing in the boxes), if possible. It makes processing a lot easier.
It is important to check off the programs, systems, and skills a Tech God has in his, or her, knowledge base! Often overlooked---even by Tech Gods, is providing a potential employer an idea of how fast you can adapt and learn NEW technology skills. This is mission critical information in the world of the Tech Titans! Please be brief (i.e., one, or two word descriptions, if you use the free-writing space at all).
Regarding the Summit and process, honesty is really important---please tell it like it is! Also, we ask tech talent to please be patient if seeking to become a client of ours! High demand has made us very busy. WE WILL COMMUNICATE WITH YOU. Thank you very much!
Tech God Agent Agreements and Addendums submitted by June 30, 2017 shall be given priority for charge-free admission. We will limit attendance---so please apply early!!
With our career expertise in building companies and employing people, we believe we will not only help Tech Gods increase their salaries, but we will also increase the likelihood Tech Gods receive higher bonuses, and/or more aggressive equity participation at a company which ultimately hires you.
After all---
Hiring us as a Tech God's exclusive representative means if any of the attending companies and/or investors (as well as their respective affiliated entities, or people) attending a Summit (herein referred to individually, or collectively, as the "Hiring Company," or "Hiring Companies," respectively) hires a Tech God (or, his, or her, affiliated entity) within a year of that Summit, the Hiring Company agrees to pay, and shall immediately pay our Company, 7% of that compensation package. In the case of a part-time hire, or employee "at-will," hired without an employment agreement, the Hiring Company shall pay us 7% of his, or her, compensation for the first year of employment, due and payable upon the first day of hire. We do not include the value of warrants, options, stock, or other securities in the value of a Tech God's compensation plan, for purposes of calculating the 7% fee.
Failure to make payment to our Company, or failure to agree to these terms if a Tech God (or his, or her, affiliated entity), decides to accept a position of employment with one of the Hiring Companies, means a Tech God client would be in violation of the 12-month non-compete/non-circumvention period which is part of our Agent Agreement (of course, the Hiring Company would be in violation also, for non-payment of the fee which would be owed to us). If said violation occurs, a Tech God is then immediately liable for the 7% fee.
Please note: we are not agents of "paid-for" registrations and we do not receive employment fees from their employment.
For some big mega offers, it may very well be worth it for a Tech God client to just pay us the 7% fee, but this will be up to the individual to make that decision. All Hiring Companies, as a condition of entry to any Tech Titan Summit, agree to pay us said 7% placement fee, as an implicit condition of their entry to the Tech Titan Summit.
Most recruiters charge placement fees (typically paid for by the hiring company) between 15-25% of an employee's compensation. Specialty search firms charge as much as 50% for top talent!
A 7% placement fee may be a real bargain for most hiring companies!
Tech Gods, Inc. also saves investors potentially millions of dollars in financing costs! Investors know the cost of deal financing---especially for young companies. Investors know it can cost as much as 14% to achieve financing goals when they use an investment bank, and this doesn't necessarily include egregious "green shoe" allotments and warrant coverage---worth potentially millions of dollars, in emerging growth companies. This money comes right out of BOTH the investor's and the Tech God's pockets!
Tech Gods, Inc. is determined to disrupt these two economic models---high placement fees and investment costs--- as they impact Tech Gods, Hiring Companies and Investors! As you can see, we use a DRAMATICALLY LOWER fee schedule for employment placement---and charge NO FEE ON ANY INVESTMENTS (other than the admission fee to the Summit) that Tech Gods (or their affiliates) receive from Tech Titans during, or after, the Summit!
Simply speaking, the Tech Titan Summit makes it possible for geniuses in action to meet Tech Titans on the prowl! Titans witness LIVE---YOUR inventions, ideas, interpersonal capabilities and skills, thereby making it possible for the Tech Titans to make intelligent, quick decisions, as a result. Our process allows many candidates to be assessed rapidly, and efficiently. This saves very busy people both time and money.
Cameras may be rolling during the Summit! Any entity, or person, attending ANY of the Tech Titan Summits, as an absolute condition of admission to the event, agrees to allow Tech Gods, Inc. (or, its assigns), to market, sell, license, film, video, photograph, promote, advertise, broadcast, record, webcast, download, or otherwise utilize, broadcast, filmed, videoed, photographed, or otherwise recorded footage (audio, or visual), content, interviews, interactions, or images of the Tech Titan Summit, or its attendees, over any medium chosen by Tech Gods, Inc. (or, its assigns), at the Company's sole authority and discretion.​
The following are terms, conditions and costs associated with attending a Tech Titan Summit for companies and investors:
1) General admission for non-investor companies or entities (e.g. a company, or entity, is attending for purposes other than investing), is $3,995 per Summit. This includes admission of up to four employees, or associates, who may attend the event.
Additionally, both investor-based entities and other entities attending the Tech Titan Summit, upon acting as a Hiring Company, agree to pay Tech Gods, Inc. a placement fee of 7% on the compensation package of any individual (or his, or her, affiliated entity) hired within one year of the Tech Titan Summit. Compensation packages, for purposes of calculating the 7% placement fee, exclude the value of any warrants, stock options, equity grants, or other securities which may, or may not, be part of the package for the Tech God.
If a Tech God (or his, or her, majority owned, controlled, or affiliated entity) is hired on a part-time basis, or is hired as an employee "at will," without an employment agreement, the Hiring Company shall immediately pay our Company 7% of the hired Tech God's first year of compensation, as estimated and annualized from the salary, or pay rate, agreed to.
In addition to general admission into the Tech Titan Summit, a company's, or entity's, entry to the Summit includes access to its reserved section at the Tech Titan Table. This is where a lot of the action begins and continues, throughout the day. The Tech Titan Table is set up to accommodate a series of 5-minute, rapid fire interviews---similar to what occurs in "speed dating." Each Tech Titan will have the opportunity to interview many Tech God candidates.
Given the intense competition for top talent in the tech arena, one of the best ways to ensure excellence in any organization is to hire the best talent, and keep them for a long time! This is why the Tech Titan Summit's process of intense engagement with the Tech Gods will likely help your organization cut months off its recruiting cycle, increase productivity and allow it to construct a modern, stable and brilliant workforce. Multi-year engagements are mission critical to stability and productivity, especially in larger organizations---in the opinion of our Company.
Top Tech Titan Recruiter
Tech Gods don't have all the fun! A $5,000 regional prize is awarded to the top Tech Titan RECRUITER in each region (as voted on throughout the day, at each Summit). At the Grand National Tech Titan Summit, the winning national recruiter receives $50,000, and is crowned "Tech Titan USA," and "Recruiter of the Year," with a press release announcing the winner. Tech Titan recruiters can't win as much as the true stars of the Summit, but it is important for great recruiters and human resource personnel to be applauded and rewarded.
Increased career exposure for everyone involved is a good thing, too! While you will be voting on the Tech Gods---THEY WILL BE VOTING ON YOU!
2) A limited number of booth spaces (i.e., twenty, 10'x10' booths) are being auctioned off to rent during the regional events, through our auction facility at ebay. There is an $8,000 minimum reserve bid for the limited number of booths available. Winning bids include the rent of the booth, which shall be preassembled, complete with a two-person table, a greeting counter and a viewing monitor. The booth shall accommodate your entity's name on its back wall via your supplied graphics, as appropriate. Wi-Fi is available for attendees during the Summit.
Companies, Investors, as well as other entities, can guarantee themselves a booth and the presence this affords them at the Tech Titan Summit, by paying $15,000, which will guarantee them a booth, subject to availability. However, this purchase must take place while booths are still available and, in any event, needs to take place no later than July 1, 2017 for the New York Tech Titan Summit, using the ebay auction facility and its "Buy It Now" button (see image, below).
After July 1, 2017, any entity interested in obtaining a booth for the Tech Titan Summit must participate in the competitive bidding process at the auction facility at ebay and become one of the winning bidders at the end of the auction. Bidding for booths shall cease thirty days before the Tech Titan Summit, to allow time for booth deliveries. Also, booths may disappear (with respect to availability) via the "Buy It Now" facility. This means the number of available booths for auction may, or may not, equal "20" at the end of the availability period for the "Buy It Now" facility of July 1, 2017.
With respect to booth bidding for Future Tech Titan Summits in other cities, please see their respective ebay bidding facilities, where the dates and deadlines shall be clearly marked for booth space, as the dates approach.
Special Booth Rights
Winning bids for booths carry special rights at the Tech Titan Summit. These bids enjoy all the privileges of both a company AND an investor. They can both hire Tech Gods and make investment and acquisition decisions, as they deem appropriate.
The people and companies who win booths via bid, or via the "Buy It Now" facility, are designated "SUPER TITANS." They are entitled to both a designated seat at the Tech God Stage, and also premium booth space.
Tech Gods, Inc. handles the basic set up and break-down of the booth itself, and you handle your company's specific set up (e.g. promotional materials, demos, PC set up, etc.). Wireless Internet access is available. When you're done with the Summit---we'll take care of shipping the booth back to the vendor.
If you provide our Company with print-quality graphics (e.g., entity's name, or logo via upload, or email attachment), these may be incorporated into your booth. Booth protocols are designed to minimize hassle (i.e. bring your people, set up your computers and materials, and you should be good to go!).
Booths enjoy premier locations at the Summit. They allow for easy networking among the crowd and are very prominent in the fact there are relatively few entities allowed to have a booth. With the event potentially being filmed for broadcast, the Titans who control booth space also have the opportunity to leverage themselves virally---well beyond the Summit!
3) Investors (also referred to as "investors") are individuals, investment banks, VCs, hedge funds, and/or other entities which may engage in making Investment Offers (see below) to Tech Gods (or their affiliates), during a Restricted Investment Period (see below) and enjoy certain rights other attendees do not. Investors pay an admission fee which is ultimately decided via a bidding process. If you want to avoid the bidding process and just guarantee an Investor seat for your organization, use the "Buy It Now" facility at ebay. This facility costs $15,000, IF the seats are available; however, like booth spaces, the "Buy It Now" facility is ONLY available for the New York Tech Titan Summit until July 1, 2017 for Investors. After this time, Investors must compete via the auction process and end up with one of the winning bids for admission.
With respect to Investor bidding for Future Tech Titan Summits in other cities, please see their respective ebay bidding facilities, as the dates approach, where the dates and deadlines shall be clearly marked for bidding and guaranteed purchases for Investor seats.
Only 50 registered Investor "seats" (with 3 people permitted entrance, per seat) are allowed entry to any regional Summit, and these attendees must bid on their seats via the auction process at ebay. There is a $3,995 minimum reserve bid. Winning bids may bring up to three people to the regional Tech Titan Summit in which they register. Including the 20 potential "Super Titans," (see section on Booth Space, above), only 70 registered entities are allowed to solicit Tech Gods, or their majority controlled or affiliated entities, to make Investment Offers during the Summit and for up to twelve months afterward---without incurring significant penalties on those who break these terms and conditions of entry (see below).
Investor reserve seat(s) also enjoy prime access to the Tech God Stage (yes, each person covered by the Investor "seat" can sit down!). Here, Investors can query Tech Gods on their inventions and capabilities.
Finally, Investors also enjoy the right to make job offers and hiring decisions at the event, as may be appropriate for their organization, investing entity, or any entities they represent.
IMPORTANT: A Company (or any other entity, or person) registering for a particular Tech Titan Summit must also register as an Investor for that Tech Titan Summit they attend, if they are interested in making offers of investment, acquisition, merger, loan, and/or any other types of financing, and/or acquisition offer(s) to a Tech God, and/or his, or her majority controlled, or affiliated entity (herein referred to as an "Investment Offer", or "Investment Offers") during the period from the date of that regional Tech Titan Summit attended to by the entity making an Investment Offer, and for a period of 12-months thereafter (herein referred to as, the "Restricted Investment Period"); the rules regarding Restricted Investment Period and Investment Offers are conditions of entry to the Tech Titan Summit for all parties.
Failure for a Company (or any other entity, or person) to register as an Investor, or achieve the status of a "Super Titan" (as described above) for the regional Tech Titan Summit the Company (or any other entity, or person) may be attending, prevents it from making an Investment Offer to Tech Gods, or their affiliates during the Restricted Investment Period, without paying penalties to Tech Gods, Inc. If a Company, or any other entity, or person, which is not registered as an Investor (and/or does not acquire Super Titan status at a regional Tech Titan Summit), were to then make a subsequent Investment Offer within the Restricted Investment Period (the "Violating Company"), the Violating Company (or any other entity, or person) shall incur penalties and fees to Tech Gods, Inc. pursuant to the rules and condition for entry to the Tech Titan Summit, as follows:
The Violating Company shall be immediately liable to Tech Gods, Inc., for an admission penalty fee of $25,000, plus an assessment fee of an additional $50,000 for rules and/or conditions violations in avoiding the ebay bidding process, plus any other damages incurred by Tech Gods, Inc.---plus the payment of our legal fees. These fees shall be in addition to the regular admission fee which may have been paid by the Violating Company (or any other entity, or person) making the Investment Offer. Any disputes shall be handled through binding arbitration of the American Arbitration Association in New York City (see below).
We want to protect the potential investment advantage registered Investors and Super Titans retain during the Summit, as well as during the Restricted Investment Period thereafter, and we shall enforce these rules, conditions and penalties with that objective in mind.
Neither Tech Gods, Inc., nor its employees, is able to negotiate any investments, or their respective terms, and we do not receive a commission, or finder's fee, on investments of any kind. We are not broker/dealers, and don't want to be.
Fees charged to Investors and others attending a Tech Titan Summit are admission fees, which provide certain privileges and abilities during the Tech Titan Summit, including preferred seating, interview capability, booth space, viewing of the Tech God Face Off, position at the Tech Titan Table, as well as ability to network with Tech Gods and others, throughout the event.
Any dispute arising out of or relating to the terms and conditions of entrance to any Tech Titan Summit, or the breach thereof, shall be finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The arbitration will be conducted in the English language in the city of New York, New York, in accordance with the United States Arbitration Act. There shall be one arbitrator, agreed to by the parties within twenty (20) days of receipt by respondent of the request for arbitration, or in default thereof, appointed by the American Arbitration Association ("ABA") in accordance with it Commercial Arbitration Rules.
The Tech Titan Summit Description summary ends here.